2025-nji ýyl - Halkara parahatçylyk
we ynanyşmak ýyly
Arkadag şäheri we UNIDO hyzmatdaşlygy maslahatlaşylýar
Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň ýanyndaky Arkadag şäheriniň gurluşygy boýunça döwlet komitetiniň başlygy D.Orazow bilen Birleşen Milletleriň Senagat ösüşi boýunça Guramasynyň Baş direktorynyň orunbasary, Tehniki hyzmatdaşlyk we durnukly senagat ösüşi boýunça Dolandyryjy direkrory jenap Zou Ciyongyň arasynda duşuşyk geçdi. Taraplar duşuşygyň barşynda Arkadag akylly şäheriň çäklerinde alnyp barylýan işleri, öňde duran maksatlary we gyzyklanma bildirilýän hyzmatdaşlyk mümkinçiliklerini ara alyp mas...
Turkmenistan's Ambassador Engages with OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President in Vienna
The Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the OSCE, Ambassador Amannazarov, met with Ms. Pia Kauma, President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA), in Vienna on 8 February 2024. Ambassador Amannazarov provided Ms. Kauma with an overview of the extensive developments currently taking place in Turkmenistan and initiatives in various sectors, including the country's foreign policy and international economic activities, demonstrating Turkmenistan's commitment to progressive change. The d...
The Ambassador of Turkmenistan met with the Artistic Director of Dialog Among Civilizations.
H.Amannazarov, Ambassador of Turkmenistan met with Reinhard Gosch, Artistic Director of Dialog Among Civilizations. Dialog Among Civilizations is non-profit organization based in St. Polten, Lower Austria aimed at promoting cultural exchange between western and oriental traditions. Since 2024 marks 300th Anniversary of Turkmen poet Magtymguly Pyragy interlocutors agreed to promote latter’s legacy in Austria.
Productive meetings held in Budapest.
On February 5, 2024 H.Amannazarov, Ambassador of Turkmenistan, during his business trip to Budapest met with Mr. Sándor Lezsák, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary and Ambassador Kristof Altusz, Diplomatic Advisor to the President of Hungary. At the meeting parties discussed a wide range of topics of bilateral interest, including cooperation in political, trade-economic, cultural areas, students exchange and role of interparliamentary cooperation in expanding bilateral relation...
Türkmenistanyň adam hukuklary babatda halkara borçnamalarynyň we halkara ynsanperwer hukugynyň ýerine ýetirilmegini üpjün etmek boýunça Pudagara toparynyň nobatdaky mejlisiniň press-relizi
2024-nji ýylyň 27-nji ýanwarynda Türkmenistanyň Daşary işler ministrliginde Türkmenistanyň adam hukuklary babatda halkara borçnamalarynyň we halkara ynsanperwer hukugynyň ýerine ýetirilmegini üpjün etmek boýunça pudagara toparynyň nobatdaky mejlisi geçirildi, oňa Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň, ýurdumyzyň birnäçe ministrlikleriniň we pudak edaralarynyň, jemgyýetçilik birleşikleriniň wekilleri gatnaşdylar. Gün tertibine laýyklykda, Pudagara toparynyň 2023-nji ýylda ýerine ýetiren işleriniň netije...
The outcome document of the International Forum entitled “Dialogue is a guarantee of peace” was published in 6 languages as a document of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly
The outcome document of the International Forum entitled “Dialogue is a guarantee of peace”, which was held in Ashgabat on 11 December 2023, was published and distributed in the six official languages of the UN as an official document of the 78th session of the General Assembly. The full text of the document can be found at the following link https://undocs.org/Home/Mobile?FinalSymbol=A/78/694. The document was issued under the agenda items of the current UNGA session "Culture of peace",...
Ambassador of Turkmenistan held meetings in Budapest to strengthen Bilateral Ties
Budapest, Hungary – on January 22, 2024, H.E. Mr. Hemra Amannazarov, Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Hungary, engaged in a series of fruitful meetings in Budapest with prominent Hungarian officials in a significant step towards bolstering bilateral relations. During his meeting with Mr. Ádám Stifter, Deputy State Secretary for Eastern Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary discussions focused on enhancing bilateral ties, trade-economic and cultural relations between T...